Canada Grains Council Welcomes CUSMA Panel Decision on Genetically Modified Corn

January 6th 2025, Ottawa, ON—The Canada Grains Council (CGC) welcomes the recent CUSMA panel ruling, which determined that the restrictions Mexico placed on genetically modified (GM) corn were not scientifically justified. Predictable and science-based trade rules are the foundation of a stable and secure food supply across North America.

“For Canadian farmers and grain exporters, reliable access to international markets can mean the difference between success and failure,” said Krista Thomas, Vice-President of Trade Policy, Seed Innovation for the CGC. “When major trading partners like Mexico veer away from science-based rules, it creates uncertainty for farmers who rely on GM crops to run their farms efficiently, stay profitable, and take care of the environment.”

“GM crops enable farming practices that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve soil health,” she added.

The dispute centered on Mexico’s 2023 presidential decree, which banned the use of GM corn in dough and tortillas and proposed a phased reduction of GM corn in animal feed and other food uses. The panel found these measures were not based on international standards or guidelines and noted that Mexico failed to conduct a risk assessment before issuing the decree.

“Canadian officials and technical experts played a key role in this dispute,” Thomas said. “Our sector deeply values the strong support for international standards and risk assessment principles, in line with WTO and CUSMA commitments.”

“This case highlights the importance of collaboration among CUSMA partners to support North America’s integrated agricultural supply chains,” Thomas added. “We’re eager to see Canada, Mexico, and the United States continue their efforts to support innovation and sustainable practices in North American agriculture.”



For more information, please contact:

Sandra Filion
Vice President, Communications & Stakeholder Relations
Canada Grains Council
613-277-0109 |

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Canada Grains Council’s President Elected as Vice-President of the International Grain Trade Coalition

Geneva, Switzerland, November 18, 2024 – The International Grain Trade Coalition (IGTC) held its General Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland, bringing together members from around the globe for a hybrid in-person and virtual event. The event focused on strategic planning for 2025 and beyond, including key issues such as non-tariff regulatory trade barriers, adopting innovative digital solutions to streamline trade, and fostering stronger partnerships and advocacy to support and promote the grain trade with global organizations like the WTO.

A key highlight of the General Assembly was the election of a new executive team, with Erin Gowriluk, President of the Canada Grains Council (CGC), being elected as Vice-President. Alongside ErinPat O’Shannassy, CEO of Grain Trade Australia, was named IGTC President, and Rosalind Leeck, Executive Director for Market Access & Strategy with the U.S. Soybean Export Council, elected as Secretary. Gerald Makau Masila was re-elected as Treasurer.

In response, Erin Gowriluk, President of the Canada Grains Council, issued the following:

“I am so proud to have been given the opportunity to serve as Vice-President of the IGTC during a critical time for the global grain trade. As a founding member of the Coalition, the Canada Grains Council has always championed the IGTC’s mission of fostering science-based, trade-enabling policies. This role is pivotal as we tackle increasingly complex regulatory landscapes and work collaboratively to advance the global grain trade and ensure food security.”

“The IGTC remains at the forefront of addressing the increasing complexity of the global grain trade. Recent shifts away from science-based regulatory frameworks pose significant challenges to cross-border grain movement. The Coalition, composed of like-minded associations and organizations, is steadfast in its commitment to fostering collaboration to tackle these pressing issues.

The CGC also extends its gratitude to Alejandra Castillo, President and CEO of the North American Export Grain Association (NAEGA), for her outstanding leadership as IGTC President over the past year. Alejandra’s inclusive and transparent approach culminated in a pivotal strategic planning session with the Management Council in London this past June. Her efforts have laid a robust foundation for the Coalition’s future success.”


Additional Information:

  • About the IGTC: The IGTC is a global organization that unites trade associations and corporate stakeholders from around the world to develop common positions on key issues impacting the global grain trade, communicating those positions through external advocacy, education and guidance to members – ultimately establishing more trade enabling policies among governments and international organizations.

For more information, please contact:

Sandra Filion
Vice President, Communications & Stakeholder Relations
Canada Grains Council
613-277-0109 |

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Canada Grains Council Applauds Renewed Commitment FPT Working Group on Pesticide Management

The Canada Grains Council (CGC) is pleased by the renewed commitment of federal, provincial, and territorial (FPT) Ministers of Agriculture to the FPT Working Group on Pesticide Management. We also commend the formation of a new Ministerial working group focused on maintaining a science and evidence-based approach to pesticide regulation that is protective of human health and the environment while meeting the innovation needs of Canadian producers.

Timely access to safe and effective pesticides is imperative for the productivity, sustainability, and competitiveness of the Canadian grain sector. This renewed commitment coupled with the formation of an additional ministerial working group offers a valuable platform for Agriculture Ministers to provide strategic advice and recommendations to the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) regarding a regulatory framework for pesticides that is safe, predictable, and efficient.

The CGC continues to support the FPT Ministers of Agriculture in their commitment to champion the competitiveness of Canadian producers through the access to safe, effective and varied pest management tools while using a science and evidence-based approach to regulatory decisions. Our collective interest is to maintain the integrity of Canada’s grain sector and ensuring it upholds the highest safety standards for the benefit of the Canadian consumers and international markets we serve. We are fully committed to working with the FPT Working Group and Ministers on this renewed initiative to support the innovation needs of Canadian producers

For more information, please contact:

Sandra Filion
Vice President, Communications & Stakeholder Relations
Canada Grains Council
613-277-0109 |

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Canada Grains Council Embraces New CFIA Guidance for Gene Edited Plants

Ottawa, ON- May 3rd, 2024: Today marks a significant milestone for Canada’s agricultural sector as the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) unveils its latest livestock feed guidance, completing the trio of policy updates crucial for clarifying Canada’s requirements for gene-edited crops. This completes a process to enable innovation that began in 2018, when Canada’s seed and grain sectors called on Canadian regulators to clarify their policies for gene edited plants.

In response, Krista Thomas, Vice President Trade Policy, Seed Innovation, for the Canada Grains Council issued the following:

“This is a ground-breaking day for Canadian agriculture, as the Canadian Food Inspection Agency confirms its livestock feed guidance, marking the final piece in a series of vital policy updates that began in 2018. With this final piece in place, Health Canada and the CFIA have now answered longstanding calls from the seed and grain sectors for predictable, clear, and consistent policies for gene edited crops.

“We are pleased to see Canada maintaining a science-based and product-based regulatory approach. This means that gene-edited plants, which closely resemble traditionally-bred varieties, will be treated the same way—an approach many of our trading partners are also following. By aligning our policies with trading partners, we not only foster innovation but also ensure that Canadian farmers have access to the most advanced agricultural technologies available worldwide.

“This strategic move allows us to attract investments and bolster our agricultural exports, keeping Canadian agriculture at the forefront of global grain production.

“This news opens up incredible opportunities for innovation within the grain sector. We are particularly excited about crops that can better withstand environmental stresses such as drought and pests without compromising yield. This ability directly translates to stability in food supply and prices, which is crucial for both our economy and food security.

“In recent years, the grain sector has faced punishing drought conditions and we have too many examples of crop diseases that lack adequate control. Gene editing can help develop solutions faster and more efficiently than traditional plant breeding methods allow.”

For more information, please contact:

Sandra Filion
Vice President, Communications & Stakeholder Relations
Canada Grains Council
613-277-0109 |

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Canada Grains Council welcomes introduction of Bill C-359

Oct. 20, 2023 (Ottawa, ON) – The Canada Grains Council (CGC) welcomes Bill C-359, An Act to amend the Feeds Act, the Seeds Act and the Pest Control Products Act (provisional registration and approval), introduced by Kody Blois, MP for Kings–Hants and Chair of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food.

The private member’s bill aims to improve access to new seed, feed, and crop protection products for Canadian farmers.

The Canadian grains and oilseed sector is well poised to be a leader in addressing global food insecurity. This is due to the world class ability of Canadian growers to quickly adopt and implement safe and innovative crop production technology which allows the sector to increase production in a sustainable manner. For Canada to continue to be a leader in feeding the world, we must ensure Canadian growers remain competitive when it comes to accessing new crop protection technology. This requires a regulatory framework that is science based, predictable, and timely. In recent years, Canadian growers have faced unnecessary delays in accessing crop protection products due to domestic regulatory hurdles. This has placed Canadian growers at a distinct disadvantage compared to growers in competing jurisdictions.

“Canada boasts world-class scientists and regulators, but we are burdened by layers of unnecessary red tape,” explains Erin Gowriluk, president of CGC, who emphasizes the urgent need for change.

“These obstacles prevent us from having timely access to safe and efficient crop production technology, unlike our international competitors. Canadian farmers deserve timely access to crop protection technologies that enhance our global competitiveness and allow us to sustainably increase our ability to meet the growing global demand for Canadian grains and oilseeds.”

The CGC commends MP Blois for his vision and commitment to enhancing the competitiveness of Canadian growers and calls upon the Government of Canada’s departments and agencies to take the necessary steps to address the issues highlighted within the bill, aligning with their responsibilities to foster agricultural innovation and economic growth.

Amended, October 20th 2023, at 3:40pm

For more information, please contact:

Sandra Filion
Vice President, Communications & Stakeholder Relations
Canada Grains Council
613-277-0109 |

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CGC Applauds Canada’s Decision to Join CUSMA Dispute with Mexico as a Third Party

Dear Ministers Ng and MacAulay,

The Canada Grains Council (CGC) serves as a comprehensive voice for the Canadian grain, oilseed, pulse, and special crop industries. We focus on issues of importance to the entire value chain, guided by the collective expertise of our sustaining members (the Canola Council of Canada, Cereals Canada, CropLife Canada, Pulse Canada, the Grain Growers of Canada, Soy Canada, the Western Grain Elevator Association, Flax Council of Canada, Grain Farmers of Ontario) and dozens of other affiliated organizations and corporate members. Up to 90 percent of Canadian grain is earmarked for export, making unfettered global market access a cornerstone of our sector’s financial resilience and growth.

Regrettably, Mexico’s measures concerning genetically engineered corn undermine our long history of open trade and generate market uncertainty in a key market for Canadian agriculture. On behalf of our members, we would like to express our sincere appreciation to the Government of Canada for deciding to participate as a third party in the CUSMA panel proceedings initiated by the United States on August 17. This step signifies Canada’s unwavering commitment to uphold science-based, rules-governed international trade and innovation in agriculture, a policy particularly important to our sector given the regulatory sensitivities it faces.

Agricultural biotechnology and other innovations have been instrumental in enhancing crop yields, reducing environmental impact, and aiding our industry in achieving its growth and sustainability goals. Mexico’s recent policy shift away from science-based decision-making endangers not just trade relationships but also access to essential innovations for meeting future growth and sustainability targets. This divergence from international standards could have wider implications in the future if other crops are impacted or other jurisdictions follow suit.

By joining the dispute, the Government of Canada is not only acting to safeguard a crucial trading relationship but also to defend the livelihoods of those throughout our value chain—including seed developers, farmers, processors, traders, and retailers. As we navigate this complex issue, our sector remains ready to support the Government of Canada with timely information and analysis, and we continue to be available to departmental staff for further discussions.


Erin Gowriluk
Canada Grains Council

For more information, please contact:

Sandra Filion
Vice President, Communications & Stakeholder Relations
Canada Grains Council
613-277-0109 |

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Canada’s Grain Value Chain Welcomes New Cabinet Appointments

July 26, 2023 (Ottawa, ON) – The Canada Grains Council (CGC) welcomes the appointment of the Honourable Lawrence MacAulay as the Minister of Agriculture and the appointment of the Honourable Mark Holland as the Minister of Health.

Having previously served as the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-food between 2016 and 2019, MacAulay brings a sense of familiarity and a wealth of expertise as he returns to the portfolio.

“We are pleased to welcome Minister MacAulay back to the Agriculture and Agri-Food portfolio,” says Erin Gowriluk, President of CGC. “This appointment comes at a pivotal moment for Canadian agriculture, where we are facing some enormous challenges but also the opportunity to unleash our industry’s full potential. We know Minister MacAulay appreciates the challenges that our sector must meet, and we look forward to working with him to achieve a science-based approach to production and sustainability.”

CGC would also like to express its gratitude to outgoing Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau for her years of dedicated service to Canadian agriculture.

Additionally, CGC welcomes the Honourable Mark Holland as Minister of Health, replacing the outgoing Jean-Yves Duclos.

“Health Canada plays an important role in developing policies that concern farmers’ access to innovation,” adds Gowriluk. “It’s critical that Canada’s regulatory system remains grounded in science so that farmers have timely access to the tools they need to improve productivity, sustainability and contribute to global food security.”

CGC is committed to upholding Canada’s reputation as a producer of top-quality, safe, and reliable grains. Fostering an open dialogue supported by a science-based approach is crucial to meeting rising demand and enhancing Canada’s contribution to global food security.

A close partnership between Canada’s grain value chain, AAFC and Health Canada is essential to the success of the grains sector. As a unified voice representing the grain value chain, the Canada Grains Council remains committed to working closely with both Ministers and their respective departments to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

For more information, please contact:

Sandra Filion
Vice President, Communications & Stakeholder Relations
Canada Grains Council
613-277-0109 |

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Canada Grains Council Applauds Creation of FPT Working Group on Pesticide Management

July 25th, 2023 (Ottawa, ON)  –  Canada Grains Council (CGC) is pleased to learn about the federal, provincial and territorial ministers’ commitment to establishing an “FPT working group” tasked with exploring pesticide management complexities.

In a letter addressed to the FPT ministers of agriculture ahead of their meetings in Fredericton, N.B., earlier this month, CGC president, Erin Gowriluk, urged the Ministers to prioritize science-based regulation of pesticides and engage in a more structured dialogue on these critical issues.

Gowriluk stresses the importance of involving all levels of government in this critical discussion.

“Each level brings valuable perspectives to the table. For instance, provincial and territorial ministers can address the unique challenges faced by farmers in their regions,” she says. “The establishment of a formal group dedicated to ongoing dialogue ensures accountability and enables proactive discussions informed by the realities of farming in Canada.”

Transparent communication on pesticides is vital for building public trust and gives consumers a better understanding of how these products are used. Pesticides are essential in meeting agricultural and agri-food market demands, providing farmers with valuable tools to grow abundant crops amid heightened geopolitical tensions and global food price inflation. Integrated pest management empowers farmers to apply the right tools at the right time, safeguarding crops and our food, feed and fuel. Consistent government messaging and action are necessary to maintain public trust and uphold Canada’s trade reputation with international partners.

“Our interest lies in upholding the strong reputation of Canadian grains as safe and healthy for consumers and the markets we serve,” says Gowriluk. “Given the rising global demand for Canadian agricultural products, an open dialogue supported by a science-based approach is essential to meet these demands and enhance Canada’s contribution to global food security.”

The establishment of the FPT working group on pesticide management presents an opportunity for meaningful engagement on this vital and timely topic. “We eagerly anticipate learning more about the group’s mandate and how our sector will contribute to the discussion,” adds Gowriluk.

CGC will continue to work on behalf of its members to advocate for the importance of science-based decision-making. The Council stands behind the integrity of Canada’s grain sector, which maintains the highest safety standards for the benefit of Canadian consumers and international markets.

For more information, please contact:

Sandra Filion
Vice President, Communications & Stakeholder Relations
Canada Grains Council
613-277-0109 |

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Canada Grains Council Introduces New Board Leadership

July 6, 2023 (Ottawa, ON)  –  The Canada Grains Council (CGC) is thrilled to announce Pierre Petelle as Chair and Greg Cherewyk as Vice-Chair of its board of directors, solidifying the council’s commitment to innovation, sustainability and growth in the grains sector.

Assuming the role of chair, Petelle brings his extensive expertise in strategic direction and collaboration as a seasoned leader. In his position as President and CEO of CropLife Canada, he leads the association’s advocacy efforts for regulatory frameworks that enable innovative agricultural solutions to come to market in Canada. His unwavering dedication to advancing the shared interests of the agricultural sector is a testament to the leadership he will bring to his role as chair.

“I’m honoured to be part of an organization that represents the entire grains value chain and is a model for industry collaboration and coordination,” says Petelle, President and CEO of CropLife Canada. “The CGC represents a hugely important sector and plays a critical role in advancing our collective efforts on sustainability, food security and economic growth.”

Joining the CGC as vice-chair, Cherewyk is a highly respected leader in the Canadian pulse industry. He has over two-decades of experience at Pulse Canada, including his role as President. With a wealth of expertise in market development, trade policy and transportation, Cherewyk is well-equipped to help the CGC advance Canada’s grains industry. His leadership and commitment to advancing shared goals will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in the continued success of the CGC and the grains sector at large.

“The pulse industry is fully committed to leveraging the power of partnerships, and the forum that the CGC provides to advance common grains sector interests is unparalleled,” says Greg Cherewyk, President of Pulse Canada.

“From issues that impact our industry at home to those that affect our ability to access priority markets around the world, we get further faster when we find ways to work together. It’s a privilege for me to be part of that constructive process to identify common ground and to find opportunities to reach consensus.”

CGC extends its gratitude to outgoing Chair Rick White for his service and commitment to Canada’s grain sector. The new Chair and Vice Chair look forward to working with the entire board to advance the collective interests of the industry. The CGC will continue with its efforts to promote collaboration and champion innovation to drive Canada’s agriculture industry forward.

For more information, please contact:

Sandra Filion
Vice President, Communications & Stakeholder Relations
Canada Grains Council
613-277-0109 |

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Canada Grains Council Raises Concerns Over Government’s Proposed Pesticide Measures

June 22, 2023 (Ottawa, ON)  –  The Canada Grains Council (CGC) has concerns about the federal government’s proposed pesticide measures and urges the government to ensure that its actions are based on scientific approaches to pesticide regulation.

“The CGC welcomes the government’s recognition of the importance of science-based pesticide regulations, aligned with Canada’s input at COP15,” says Erin Gowriluk, CGC President. “We must ensure robust decision-making firmly rooted in scientific evidence. By prioritizing evidence-based approaches, we can enhance environmental stewardship and maintain a strong relationship between scientists and policymakers.

Erin Gowriluk, President of CGC, commends the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food’s recognition of the importance of pesticides to food production and security. Gowriluk states, ” We are pleased with the Minister’s recognition of the connection between crop protection and environmental sustainability, as well as the positive impact of conservation tillage methods on carbon sequestration. Canada’s commitment to science-based regulation of crop protection tools demonstrates our dedication to their safe and effective use.”

However, two critical aspects of the government’s announcement contrast with this. The decision to maintain the ‘pause’ on MRL increases appears to be driven by public opinion rather than scientific evidence. Gowriluk explains, “It is difficult to discern any scientific justification for temporarily pausing MRL increases. By persisting with the pause, there is an increasing risk of Canada’s trading partners perceiving it as an intrusion of ideology into policymaking, contradicting our message to other countries. Consistent and science-based regulation is essential for all food shipments, including the substantial quantities of grain Canada, supplies to the world.

Public confidence in regulators relies on consistency between the government’s words and actions. After almost two years of portraying the pause as a temporary measure, the government has now indicated a gradual resumption of MRL increases where deemed necessary, along with implementing a cosmetic pesticide ban on federal lands. These actions have the potential to undermine the government’s explicit recognition that pesticide uses in Canada undergo rigorous testing and assessment to ensure they are safe and pose no unacceptable risks to human health or the environment.

The significance of evidence-based policies that strike a balance between the agricultural sector’s needs and environmental sustainability cannot be overstated. CGC remains committed to collaborating with government officials, industry stakeholders, and scientific experts to develop practical and well-informed pesticide regulations that inspire public confidence and adhere to rigorous scientific standards.

For more information, please contact:

Sandra Filion
Vice President, Communications & Stakeholder Relations
Canada Grains Council
613-277-0109 |

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